Quick Dice Roller 2.1.2

Version 2.1.2 of Quick Dice Roller, the flexible, complete and handy dice roller has just been released on the main app stores.

Quick Dice Roller on Play Store

Quick Dice Roller on Amazon

New Features

The main feature of this release is related to import/export: it is now possible to store and load data from external apps that support such operations like Drive, DropBox, Box and many others.

There are now two options when loading data: Restore and Import. While the Restore option let you load the entire database (just like the older version of Quick Dice Roller does), the Import let you choose which Dice Bag add to current database, making easy the task of sharing Dice Bags with friends.

The default Dice Bag created since now contains a dice definition for Fate/Fudge, but you can check an option that let you create a dice bag with only a six sided dice (Dice Bags cannot be empty).


This time only one function was added to QDR: the Roll Again function, used to roll again a dice if its result is below a given value.

Other News

The online reference has been improved with some new pages:

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