Quick Dice Roller 1.4.0 is now available

Version 1.4.0 of Quick Dice Roller is now available for download on the Play Store.

Main feature of this release is the ability to import and export dice and bags definitions to external storage.
As for now the import operation will override all the current dice and bags definitions, so if in doubit first make an export to a new file, then proceed with the import.
This feature requires the permissions modify or delete the content of your SD card and test access to protected storage, that are new for this version.

This release also contains minor UI improvement, as the name of the current collection on the title bar and the ability to split dice names in two rows.

And, as usual, minor improvements and fixes.

I would like to publicly thank Henning for the German translation.

This is the official changelog:
  • Import and Export definitions
  • German translation (thanks to Henning)
  • Slightly improved UI
  • Minor fix and improvement

Get the latest version of Quick Dice Roller on Google Play:

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8 Responses to Quick Dice Roller 1.4.0 is now available

  1. Can Open Dice Roller use a prompt to tell it the size of the dice pool?

    1. I'm working on this feature. It will be available as soon as I can.

    2. Thank you! I'm playing Scion (which uses the same dice mechanics as Exalted) which rolls a lot of dice in varying numbers, so as a workaround I defined rolls for the tens and ones digits so I simply have to tap out the number in the dice bag and it rolls them together. If I'd thought of that a little more quickly I probably wouldn't have bothered you. It's a great die roller, easily the best Android roller I've seen.

    3. Thank you for your consideration. I've planned this feature for exactly the same purpose you described. Btw the solution that you adopted is very clever.
      Good luck and good gaming!

  2. I wondering when an update for FUDGE/FATE dice will be featured in the app. Thoughts?

    1. A Fudge/Fate die can be emulated with "rand(1, -1)", and multiple dice can be rolled with "rak(rand(1, -1), 6, 6)" (six rolls in the example).
      Please feel free to give me some suggestions on how to improve FUDGE/FATE support.

  3. I would like to create a 1D6 with 0 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 1 / 2 faces.... it seems to be impossible... any ideas or documentations? Thanks anyway for the great job you made...

    Jean Marc from France.

    1. It's a bit tricky but not impossible. The formula is:


      That is:
      Roll a d6 and divide by two (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3)
      Round down (0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3)
      Take the lower value between the one obtained and 2 (0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2)
      Subtract from 2 the value obtained (2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
